I am so done with all of this
I graduated college last May. My school was pretty prestigious and i graduated with a degree that opens a lot of doors in the industry i want. I’ve had several internships, jobs, and my resume is stacked. The only dent is my 3.1 GPA which apparently isn’t “good enough” for some jobs I’m really qualified for. I’m not trying to go into IB or work for Apple, and I’m competent enough. I haven’t found a job. I was extremely close in August but they dropped me last minute, and it was a job i was seriously looking forward to. I’ve had sparse interviews, I’ve lost motivation, and it’s made me depressed. I feel like I’m so behind my peers. Almost all of my friends live in a city out of state, and I’m trying to move there but i think jobs won’t want to pay relocation (my hometown is not far from this city and i could cover relocation) or take a chance on a recent grad. I’ve gotten insanely depressed about this. I’ve slowed down job applications, i feel hopeless, and I’ve started eating and moving around less. Showering is hard, the thought of cooking is a nightmare, and I keep ordering shit with money I don’t have just so I can have something to look forward to in the next four days. I don’t know how long I can keep this up. I’m already far away from my friends as is, and I’ve gotten depressed to a point where I won’t even travel to see them or see any friends from home. I just can’t seem to see a light at the end of the tunnel. It feels more like a cave where I’m just stuck in darkness. I’ve dealt with far worse, but this is breaking me. I feel so numb every day. I genuinely think that if I don’t find anything by new years I should give up or take a job I hate in my hometown and live miserably to a point where I’ll want to end it. I’m considering paying for job services at this point, but with what I’m just constantly checked out. I really don’t know what to do and I’m so depressed it’s making me sick. I’m aware others are dealing with more than I am and I feel stupid complaining about this, but I’m at the end of my rope here. Is there anything I can do at this point?