Defeated. Please help.

I've applied at hundreds of jobs since my lay-off. It will be a year in March. I finally had an interview that I was CONVIENCED I had nailed it. Well... I got a rejection today. When I asked for feedback they said they could not disclose.

I'm at such a loss. I feel like a total failure. I applied at Walmart and Target and haven't heard back from them as well. I'm legitimately applying at anything that says hiring. How come no one will take a chance on me? I've worked everyday since I was 16 until this past lay-off. I cant even look my partner and family in the eye anymore. I'm 30 years old and all my experience is for nothing. There will always be someone better and I'm afraid this will keep happening forever. I can't keep living like this.

Please someone tell me it will be okay.