Sasha Exclusive Story😍💕

Someone posted an exclusive breakdown earlier, but it has since been deleted!

The story starts off with Sasha pointing the camera at the fire place and then to Jenn’s feet running and he says: “you saw your feet running!” (And then he giggles🤭) Jenn then asks: “Am I here?” Then he points the camera at her and asks “what did you do now?” (He giggles again🤭) Jenn says: “some dessert for Mr. Farber” Sasha then zooms in on 3 (?) cakes, one with a heart on it, and asks, “Dessert? Woah! What’s it from?” Jenn says: “ummmm…. Traitor Joes, sprouts, and lavo(?)” Sasha then asks: “And what did Grinch do?” Jenn says: “Grinch found a new toy, which he immediately murdered!” Sasha then points the camera at Grinch and says “Grinch! You picked that one buddy! He went out and picked it, it was so cute.”

It was the cutest story ever, and jenn &Sasha were so giddy! They both deserve this happiness! Also, they are about to have a FUN NIGHT 🤭🤭🤭