bad waswas

I have posted about this before. And honestly I feel so embarrassed even posting this that I am this mentally weak that I struggle with this.

But I have really bad waswasa about my hijab. Like I have fear and doubts when I am out in public what if my hijab wasn’t on. What if people are talking about me and didn’t tell me it wasn’t on. This waswasa is so so bad. I know if it was true I would realize it and fix it. But I cannot help with these terrible doubts from Shaytan.

The waswasa really started whenever a hijabi old friend of mine. Betrayed me . Everytime I would see her I would get waswasa what if my hijab isn’t on.

Now even people who I don’t have a problem with I’ll see them and just because we aren’t close friends anymore I get waswasa what if my hijab wasn’t on when they saw me.

I know this sounds so goofy. But I genuinely feel like people know me better than myself. I feel like I’m going insane. This waswasa is just getting worse.

Hijab is so so important to me and I know Shaytan must be doing this because he wants me to take it off. But I know I cannot let him win.

Please someone give me any help or suggestions on how to overcome this religious waswasa.