Planning on buying a new Grom from a dealership

So this would be my first bike. I've never ridden one and I don't have my endorsement or even gear yet. But this dealership can deliver to my home.

I figured I wanna train myself in my neighborhood until I get comfortable enough to pass the msf course and get my endorsement.

I prefer to buy new because I have no idea where to begin with maintenance on a bike. I know how to maintain my car and have done so for the past 15 years. But bikes? I know nothing. I don't want used since I don't know what id get myself into and don't want to screw up my first experience with a bike in poor condition.

My question is this !

Am I going about this the wrong way ?

How much have you paid for your grom ? Did you get it used or new ? Any unexpected maintenance within a few thousand miles ?