Working out with possibly permanent wrist injury?

I'm not entirely sure this is the right subreddit for this question, but didn't find better. So here goes:

Last year I broke my wrist (at least two fractures, possibly third plus gap between bones. I narrowly avoided surgery), and while doctors keep reminding the healing will take long time, they also keep reminding me, that it's quite possible my wrist will never fully heal (that's nice to hear...). Right now, I can't bent the wrist much and I DEFINITELY can't put pressure on it while doing so.

This obviously makes it hard to do push ups and likewise moves. I can do push ups while leaning on something (like dresser) and I can do low plank and that's about it. Any tips on what moves or cheap/DIY equipment could help me get my muscles back to even relative fit? I do not like my flabby arms a bit D:

Thank you in advance!