Question about husband's Xmas request for Guitar Delay Pedal

My husband is a serious guitar player with a decent sized collection of guitars, pedals and effects. He asked me for a guitar delay pedal for Xmas.

Based on google search it looks like there are digital and analog pedals. It's not clear to me which one he would want and I don't want to ask as I want to preserve some level of surprise when we open gifts.

He would use the pedal to play at home, he's not in a band.

Any recommendations? My budget is flexible.

Edit: Price range $250 - 450 . I broke down and asked. He wants a Strymon Brigadier but he says it's been discontinued !?!

2nd edit - Xmas surprise is DOA as I broke down and asked him about the Brig. To give context to his pedal board, he wants y’all to know I bought him a Klon Centaur in 1999 for $250 based on his wish list. Looks like I’m now buying a Volante or a used Brigadier. Thanks and happy last minute Xmas shopping!