Worried about ‘personal space’

I’m having some trouble with my dominant sow (right-Nona) always wanting to be occupy the same exact space as my recently introduced bereaved sow (left-Tribble). Tribble seems to hate it and will always squeak submissively but Nona ALWAYS wants to be near her. They don’t snap or bite but I’m a bit at a loss. Nona was alone her whole life before I adopted her, which makes me wonder if she’s just desperate for the companionship? But I don’t want to make Tribble’s life miserable either. Any advice?

I’m having some trouble with my dominant sow (right-Nona) always wanting to be occupy the same exact space as my recently introduced bereaved sow (left-Tribble). Tribble seems to hate it and will always squeak submissively but Nona ALWAYS wants to be near her. They don’t snap or bite but I’m a bit at a loss. Nona was alone her whole life before I adopted her, which makes me wonder if she’s just desperate for the companionship? But I don’t want to make Tribble’s life miserable either. Any advice?