So...what will happen after the Good Omens movie finally releases?

So, we all know that the Good Omens series will end with a 90-minute TV movie. There's so much excitement surrounding it and I bet we're all thrilled that we're at least getting something after the controversy that I will not be discussing.

I've been wondering what will happen with the fandom once that is all over. I guess we'll all just be existing in our "precious, peaceful, fragile existence" (as Crowley put it) while we await any other Good Omens related news/other stuff. I'm not sure what will happen whether it be the slow and gradual death of the fandom (which I doubt will happen) or a complete standstill of the community due to the lack of Good Omens content (which I also doubt will happen.) I'm hoping that it doesn't come to that and that we'll try to keep this fandom alive as best we can this since we can all agree that this is ONE OF the BEST TV series that has come out in recent years.

This show has kept us going through the very worst of things and it would be a shame if we just let this fandom sit around not getting anymore attention after the movie. Does anyone else thing that we'll get more Good Omens content after the movie? I hope we will, otherwise if something like this happened, this would pretty much be it. No more Good Omens for quite some time. Though I'm certain that this won't be the end just yet, I couldn't help but wonder what the future might hold for this fandom and community as a whole.

The best we can do is wait for the movie to release and see what happens from there. Also, I hope that you all had a Happy Valentine's Day.💐

What do you all think about this prospect?

Thanks for reading this if you did.😊