It's July and I'm still gay

It's hilarious how all the anti gay pride posts have stopped now that July has come. Now, June is officially the Month of Gay Pride and I looove how homohaters say "Gays get a month, but veterans get a day" while not caring that military appreciation month is in May 🤣😂

I've also noticed a few things "doing battle" with the anti gay pride folks

They use the same pictures from a nudist group marching in SF Pride to make the case that nudity goes on at every PRIDE event

They also used naked bike rides and a kid cringing in the frame (wonder if that was edited in or not) and say its a pride event

And one used a photo of a young black teenager in a Japanese school girl skirt to rail against PRIDE. It was the only one when I reverse searched it so it had to be part of his spank bank I'm sure

It's not like I don't have my own critiques w PRIDE, but none of them have to do w nudity as mine has no nudists. The least I would see is someone in a Speedo and shoes on. My main issue is how Corporate it's gotten and is why I like smaller events where I can talk and get to know more of my community.

But alas, it's July and I'm still gay. Some of the PRIDE flags are still out and I'm back to seeing the headlines about our drag community under attack from fundamentalist religious phlegmwads. I feel like PRIDE has taken on a new significance in the last few years and I'll go and make a ruckus, attend events and make connections in the community

As I am aslo childfree (not wanting kids) I feel it's necessary for me to connect w gay social groups and have community there.

Hope you enjoyed reading. Have an excellent day!