Long-term occasional Pregabalin/Gabapentin use and brain health

I take pregabalin mainly recreationally 1-2 times a week, I’ve done this with a 2 week break here and there for about 1.5 years now. These days I usually use 300-400mg on Friday and Saturday along with some weed and then I will be sober for the week. I think of it as an alcohol replacement.

It has been a while since I checked in on harm reduction, so I wanted to make a little post to gather some thoughts on insuring brain health while also taking pregabalin regularly.

I’ve seen a fair amount about memory issues and increased dementia risk associated with pregabalin and gabapentin use. I would link a certain study but I believe it’s causing my post to get auto deleted. I will try to link it in the comments.

For those of you who are familiar with pregabalin and gabapentin, how do you guys feel about their safety? How would you recommend best insuring brain health while also taking gabapentinoids? Do you think memory loss or dementia is a real risk to worry about? Any input from the community would be greatly appreciated!