After all that anxiety yesterday, I was fired today

I'm not so incognito anymore. I had created this account when I was still trying my hardest to keep my job.

I worked for the Bureau of Engraving and Printing for 8 months as a Senior Material Program Manager (GS-13). I absolutely loved my job and the people I worked with. I worked hard at my job and I earned myself a 5/5 performance rating.

Two weeks ago I was warned by the department director my position was recommended for release. It has been the longest two weeks of my life. I didn't take the DRP because 1) I don't believe in the follow through and 2) I didn't want to leave a job I love. Nothing about DRP felt right. So I chose to stay.

Yesterday, someone on my floor (not in my division) that sits near me received his email. I waited all day to get mine but I didn't. Everyone said I was in the clear, my response was always, "We'll see."

Today my department director came into my space and sat with me while I cried over being handed this stock wording boiler plate OPM garbage termination letter. It definitely sites performance issues. My direct manager said he has only ever had positive things to say about the work I do, and I earned a 5 (out of 5) on my performance evaluation.

I love my job and team so much, I did everything I could to prepare them to take on my VERY heavy burden. I made a folder on the network drive and copied ALL of my files over (except personnel documents) and authorized SharePoint ownership to someone so my boss didn't have to worry about it. I also had a PPT created so they can manipulate the division logo I had created for widespread use AND left details about colors and fonts in the notes for the slides.

I was able to send a goodbye letter to them and saw a couple on my way out. A coworker from another division gave me a protest pin before I left. She explained it... "Its a fork, but it has a tiny 'u' at the bottom, so it's saying FORK U." And that's perfect.

I have 3 young children and $110k in student loan debt, and all the grown up bills to go with adult life. I got no severance. If I get unemployment I will not get much and I will not get it for long. I only needed 21 more payments to get PSLF (though I'm pretty sure that is going to be destroyed before I would have qualified anyway). I live in the DC metro area (aka DMV).

I have only ever wanted to be a government employee because I have only ever wanted to help people. Since I was young, (early teens) I have imagined myself as a civil servant and I don't know how to be one. I will not be able to obtain state or local positions that pay even remotely as much as I was earning because, though I was new, I had extensive related experience for my position. I am also in a hub were tons of fired employees and contractors will need a new job.

I'm absolutely screwed. But I'm not sitting down and being quiet. I'm going to stand up and shout it for EVERYONE to hear. And I need your help to do the same.

EDIT 1: I was called a troll post. I am very much not. I'm an angry, angry person. I tried to respond with a picture of me holding my termination letter (middle and last name blacked out) but I couldn't. So it's on my profile, go look. I Really Did Get Fired Today

Also, for those asking, I did NOT vote red.

EDIT 2: I did not expect this much response. Thank you for your overwhelming support. I was trying so hard to keep up with the comments, but there are so many. Please know that I will eventually read them all. Because these things matter. And you even commenting makes me feel less alone. Thank you for making your voice heard with me. NTEU has a form you can fill out that will send an email automatically to your representatives indicating you stand with federal employees. NTEU Representative Letters

EDIT 3: Fixed an erroneous punctuation mark, corrected a typo, and added my performance evaluation score because it is in direct conflict with the termination letter.

Also OMG THANK YOU FOR LISTENING TO ME! I did not expect such support or such a wide reach. Thank you, Mods, for letting my words be shared.

And because once upon I time I promised myself I would lead by example, to show people that despite how scared they are they can be brave...


(I have kids, I'm not that brave. YET)