Official: [Wednesday Weekly Trade Value] - Wed , 09/11/2019

Wednesday Weekly Trade Value Thread

The best trades are the ones where both sides believe they are winning

This thread is similar to the current Trade thread that is found in our Daily INDEX, but this one will also give people a chance to discuss fantasy trading in general, strategies on how to approach trades, advice on what you can do to make your trade sound enticing to the other person, post and discuss fantasy experts articles about trade values, bounce ideas off each other for what sort of trade values they think players have right now, or potential down the road trade targets to start considering.

If you're looking for feedback on a trade, please include the following info in your post:

League specific rules and scoring
Player(s) that are being traded
Player(s) that you may be dropping or picking up as part of the trade

Please remember to keep comments on theme and, as always, Subreddit Rules 5, 8, 9, and 10 are in effect.

If you'd like to discuss something outside of this theme, please try checking the latest Daily INDEX for a thread that might be more suitable for you. If you still don't find what you're looking for, search new before posting your own thread, and as always please follow the subreddit's Rules and Guidelines in all your activity.

The following users have helped the most people in this thread:

User # Helped in thread
leodoggo 30
BiII_SeIf 25
Not_It_At_All 19
cryptozeke 15
KChampionK 12