Why is waking up from Watchtower, almost an automatic There is no God?
I can understand why the God of the Bible Jehovah is not God as Christians describe him. But immediately discarding the idea that some Creator or Creators had some say in the material universe is a big step.
There is literally tons of possibilities of a Creator or Creators. But somewhere along the timeline of history, Humans adopted the “Idea” of ONE All Powerful-All Knowing Being that KNOWS EVERYTHING and can DO EVERYTHING.
I’m just not sure about an ALL EVERYTHING GOD.
When I was shopping for a home, I went into several homes. Some in the 250k up to 1 million. The ones in the high range had more aesthetic details that made it more attractive. But the basic foundation and skeleton of the house was the same. Not once did I think it was ONE Man that did it all. If the heater broke, I wouldn’t call the carpenter, if the plumbing busted, I wouldn’t call the painter. No man knows it all.
Now think about a Creator and the impossibility of knowing it all. Imagine that Creator knowing every single thought that crosses the mind of every single person, male and female in the entire world every single second. Plus, remember the same thing needed for the billions that have lived and died. He would have to have that ability in order to resurrect every single person with the exact personality and all the experiences each person had experience.
If He forgets just one experience from one person and resurrects that persons forgetting who it was that person loved and married, ….that resurrected person is not the same person anymore. It’s someone else.
There has never been any proof that a Being that Knows Everything, Created Everything, Remembers Everything, ….. even EXISTS....... HOW DOES SOMEONE EVEN PROVE THAT?
I think the ancients created a more believable possibility, different Gods or Creators for different things. Then it just got simpler to worship ONE God instead of many Gods. We did what humans do, adopted the more convenient way of worship. Just ONE God.
Either way, if there is Creators instead of Creator, IT still hasn’t stepped up to let us know what’s He’s purpose for us is. He doesn’t seem to be interested in being worshiped either. ……….Would you?
If you were a Creator, would you want to be worshiped? Well a lot of you are Creators, if you have children. Has that ever been you desire, to have your children worship you?
Did you ever have a secret desire to bake an apple pie, put it where your 3 year old can smell it and reach it and tell the child if he takes a bite from it he will die?
An All Mighty God that needs nothing wants to be worshiped?????????
This is just my Rant for today. I get tired of hearing PIMIs say that Jehovah wants us to worship him by going to the Kingdom Hall and field service.
I guarantee you, if the Creator wanted to be worshiped, He would step up and tell us. But I think as a Creator, he has more interesting things to do than wanting Ant-Like creatures to worship him by attending the Kingdom Hall to listen to a Broadcast where a bunch of old men from New York talk about apostates. 🙄