Dear Norwegian Helsinki Committee

Dear Norwegian Helsinki Committee,

Since you are concerned about human rights, you should seriously consider the extent to which the Watchtower violates the fundamental rights of its members. While you highlight concerns about religious discrimination, it is crucial to acknowledge that Jehovah’s Witnesses enforce a system of social control that strips individuals of their basic freedoms.

Disfellowshipping is not just an internal religious matter—it is a form of coercion that isolates individuals from their families and communities, leading to severe psychological and emotional distress. Many former members, including minors who had no real choice in joining, face lifelong consequences for simply exercising their right to freedom of belief.

The Watchtower actively suppresses critical thinking, discourages higher education, and enforces strict obedience through fear of ostracism. These are not just religious teachings; they are systematic violations of human rights.

If human rights are truly your priority, then the focus should not be on whether the government is unfairly targeting Jehovah’s Witnesses, but on how this organization systematically strips its members—especially its most vulnerable ones—of their fundamental freedoms.

I urge you to take a deeper and more critical look at this issue.