I went to my first meeting in 8 years

First thing I want to say—this is not me fully going back. Hell no! I was looking for a bus stop, and it turned out to be outside a Kingdom Hall, which just happened to have a meeting on. I kind of just thought, Fuck it, got nothing else to do. Anyway, security let me in. I told them I was raised in it, and they asked who my family was (unfortunately, they know my family). I sat at the back of the hall and just kind of listened. Not much is different—same old drool-inducing talks (circuit overseer included). After the meeting, I realized the size of my fuck-up. About 90% of them knew my family or my old congregation. I got an invite back for the weekend meeting. The brother sitting next to me gave me a lift home (not going to refuse a free ride) and handed me a Bible course card with his name on the back.

Only one major thing bothered the fuck out of me—a link I got through the JW Library about not sharing publications anywhere else.