"JEHOVAH" is not the name of God!

Yes you've read that right. Here's why;

The name "Jehovah" is a Latinized interpretation of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton YHWH (JHVH), which is the written name of God in the original Hebrew Bible. However, this interpretation is not universally accepted and has been subject to scholarly debate.

Historical records show that the pronunciation of YHWH was lost over time, and the vowel points added to the consonants were actually from the Hebrew word "Adonai" (Lord). This resulted in the pronunciation "Jehovah," which was first introduced in the 16th century.

Other scholars have proposed alternative pronunciations, including Yahweh, Yahuweh, Yehowah (Jehovah), Yihweh, Yiheywuh, and Yihewuh. However, none of these can be proven as the original or correct pronunciation.

Most accurate Bible translations retain the original Hebrew consonants YHWH, rather than substituting a specific pronunciation like "Jehovah" or "LORD." This approach acknowledges the complexity and uncertainty surrounding the original pronunciation.

Therefore, the claim that "Jehovah" is the actual name of God is not supported by historical or textual evidence. Instead, YHWH remains the most authentic representation of the divine name and it doesn't necessarily translate to "Jehovah".

Now tell me, how can the one and true church of God be so confidently inaccurate (lost) about his name such that they even name themselves after his assumed name rather than the most accurate representation YHWH?

I honestly hope that God remove the blind folds from the eyes of the R&F being misled by a bunch of clueless charlatans with no relationship or whatsoever with the actual holy spirit.