Looking for a dosing funnel compatible with a 51mm IMS Basket
Hello everyone, I'm wondering if anyone is able to help me out with a problem I've run into in my setup.
I recently upgraded the basket on my Dedica to this IMS precision basket linked below
verybarista IMS Precision 15-17g Filter Basket compatible with Delonghi La Specialista, DL2TH24E https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0B7P1Z529?ref_=cm_sw_r_apann_dp_S2TXRFPJ5HQCFCXCBYNK
Unfortunately my dosing funnel is not compatible with the new basket - the diameter of the flat ridge at the top of the basket is too big for the dosing funnel to sit on. The ridge of the basket 'spills out' over the sides of the portafilter, if that makes sense. I'm not able to WDT easily with the new basket as a result, using my current dosing ring.
Does anyone know of a compatible funnel, that will sit on top of the basket and allow me to WDT as usual? I'm struggling to find one that looks right online. I'd rather not use a funnel which sits inside the basket and makes an indent in the bed of coffee.