Need help
My story is a bit long but I’m shortening it up. I recently had a miscarriage of a blighted ovum. I’ve been feeling nausea which I believed to be from the HCG in my body. I’m still bleeding from the miscarriage but believe I’ve passed most of it and my HCG has gone down significantly. To make matters worse I’ve been having some gallbladder issues I don’t have stones but I have polyps that have been causing me pain so I’m scheduled for removal on Friday. But today the overwhelming n***** is back and I have no idea if it’s the lingering HCG, the gallbladder issue or something else I don’t even want to think of. I took one 8mg zofran earlier today which helped for a few hours but then about an hour before my next dose I started getting n****** again so I took another dose. and now I have d****** again but the n***** is still here and powerful. I guess I just need kind words and reassurance that I’m not gonna v**** and if anyone’s had a similar experience either to n***** after miscarriage or with gallbladder issues. I hate having this phobia it feels so debilitating in times like this.