Brothers sick. Having a panic attack.
I’m shaking, and I can’t stop crying. My brother came home last night from work. My dad picked him up in my mams car, heck knows why he brought my mams car, THE MAIN FAMILY CAR, I’ll never forgive him for that. My brother has had a bad cough for a few days now. But today, the cough got way worse and he tu* in my mams car on the way home. I didn’t know this until this morning. My dad was in and out of my room the whole night taking my stuff to give to him, such as my charger and thermometer. My phone battery is going low, and I can’t go in his room to get it, I’m too scared. I’d rather burn my charger than see it again. I’d also rather burn my mams car than ever step foot in it again. I have to go in it tomorrow. I’m terrified. My dad cleaned it up but I doubt he disinfected it. Plus it probably seeped inside the car. I’m so scared. Now my mams gone somewhere in her car so she probably has it now, aswell as dad. Idk if he tu* from coughing or what because the person he picked it up from was also tu* with it. But she has a stomach ulcer, she thinks. I’m freaking out. What do I do? 😭😭😭