Electric Zoo 2019 Buy / Sell Thread
Please use this thread only for buying / selling tickets. Posts made outside of this thread will be removed, including comments such as "I have a 3 day pass for sale PM me!".
The mods are not responsible for what goes on here.
- Verify the age of the other user's account. Throwaway accounts are more frequently used in scams.
- DO NOT use prepaid credit cards, Moneygram, etc. as payment.
- No selling tickets above face value and no bidding on tickets.
- If the deal looks too good to be true, it probably is.
- The safest place to buy tickets is here.
- Request the buyer / seller's facebook account and have them message you to verify it's legitimately them.
- If you are meeting physically with someone for a transaction, make sure you pick a location in a public place and verify the ticket / wristband is legitimate.
- Don't wire money. If you are buying online, make sure you use a website that can guarantee your money back if something goes south. Paypal is also a good option as they offer a 180 day buyer protection when you pay through the request money option. Make sure you receive proof that the user has the ticket and a tracking number for when the wristbands are shipped.
- Don't post personal info in this thread! All dealings should be handled via DM's.
- Report anything suspicious to the mods.
For anyone looking to buy tickets through the ambassador program, please see the ambassador megathread.
Stay safe, and see you animals August 30th!