I get that people are extremely worried about the USA right now, but can non-Americans stop shaming American citizens?

I get it. I really do.

These are indeed dark times.

A lot of Americans voted for the Orange Palpatine and are completely oblivious. Those people can’t understand why this is such a big deal.

But a lot of non Americans on this sub (and even some self loathing Americans) are making generalizations about American citizens like we are just a selfish, stupid people and “why aren’t we doing anything “?


We are trying very hard right now, there are massive protests, boycotts, sharing video, spreading news ourselves, etc. The mainstream media just isn’t covering it! There are people protesting with negative degree windchill outside! People are risking their health and freedom protesting.

We are fucking doing shit about it in anyway we can.

This country is massive, and by making negative generalizations, this in my opinion, makes things worse. Trump and his cronies are all about sending the “American first” ideology. While this is pretty transparent, negative and false generalizations probably will make people feel like they’re against the entire world so they have no choice or support left, and are stuck with what they have. If people feel isolated they’ll go for the ideology trump is pushing.

I don’t say all Germans are nazis because there are a lot of AFD supporters and are just selfish people!

Stop generalizing. It hurts the very cause you are trying to push. We are doing what we can.

These “do something!” Non Americans are shaming and posting these generalizations for karma, nothing more.

End rant.

EDIT for spelling.

SECOND EDIT: I am getting the classic Reddit “hate America“ vibe from this post that are often found on much larger subreddits.

Like I said at the beginning of my post, I get it. We are in dark times and are in trouble.

I was hoping to show that shaming/generalizations has its place but this shaming going on is invalidating the very work and positive actions you say shaming will bring, and it makes me honestly pretty sad. Solidarity is more important now than ever because down the line, this will happen to you, but I guess trying to communicate that is out the window. This is exactly what Trump, Elon and all their billionaire followers want.

For that reason, I won’t be responding to any more new comments. I expected controversy, but the hate and vitriol for those even trying to the right thing because of these generalizations of America are the ones you are hurting the most.

Those who follow Elon and Trump already have no shame and they never will. Your shame is hurting those who agree with you here at this point.

I just hope people across the pond actually realize that this is bringing despair and fear to those actually trying to make the US a better place, and this excessive shaming is giving ammunition to those currently trying to ruin everything. Economic and societal collapse will be likely without solidarity.

Good luck to everyone out there and may your days be prosperous and happy. I truly wish you guys the very best.