NA and EU versions of DW9 should include Chinese voiceovers option! The characters are chinese, chinese language is 100% more fitting than japanese/english.

Plus Koei confirmed that DW9 has Chinese voiceovers created, so NA and EU versions should get chinese dubs option as well. It would be perfect for the characters and location. it felt so wrong with english/japanese dubs, chinese dubs would make Dynasty Warriors 9 really more genuine and authentic. and even though mandarin wasn't spoken back then, mandarin is better and more fitting than any language outside of chinese languages.

A lot of western fans would appreciate chinese language option in Dynasty Warriors 9. so they can read the text in english, and hear the voices in chinese. :) it would be such a waste leaving that language option exclusive to the Chinese/Japanese/eastern versions.

leaving NA/EU without that option is like withholding existing content created for DW9. Anyone interested in Chinese voiceovers/dubs option in North American and Europe versions, please let Koei know on their twitter/facebook/social media so that helps them be aware that Chinese VAs options is needed in the western versions as well and highly valued.