my life vs my friends life experience

my friend

-born in a wealthy family in a paradise

-moves to my impoverished hell hole after parents divorce

-he gets neetbux without even trying instantly -doesn’t have to worry about anything

-gets apartment medical care food everything all for free

-never had to worry about anything at all

-has good genetics despite smoking like a chimney since 12 and drinking like a fish

-has friends, happy all the time, never has any real problems at all despite doing nothing right or even putting in effort

-sits on his porch all day smoking cigarettes blissfully happy having friends and doing things every day

-everywhere he lives lis incredibly peaceful and nice

then there’s me

-not one good thing happens

-born in poverty in a shitty trailer park hell

-can’t even imagine something good happening like neetbux

-constant stress bad luck and failures

-have no friends every person i meet just makes my life hell

-body goes to shit due to shit genes despite taking care of myself and not smoking or destroying my body

-constant biblical curses

-ass hole neighbors that have destroyed my life and constantly torture me

-i can fight and work incredibly hard and study 24/7 and if i see any form of successes the universe immediately rips it away and ruins my life more for laughs

-constantly thinking about suicide while alone suffering and tortured no matter what i do

-plagued with constant sickness torture and hellish luck