Joy to the world - COVID negligence
Just wanted to see if anyone else thought the same way as me for this
WARNING for both (minor) spoilers and discussion of COVID
One thing that really, really pissed me off during the episode was the way that lockdown rules and social distancing were discussed. I experienced the lockdowns here in the UK, as did many other people. I had relatives pass away in that time, and had to do the whole distanced, handful-of-mourners funerals, and on top of that I was trying to look after a loved one from afar who was living in an abusive household. I also lost pretty much all of my university years to online learning, which affected a lot of my interpersonal relationships with my peers.
That being said, I totally denounce and reject this idea that the rules themselves were some nasty trick to be regretted and resented the way I felt the episode made them out to be. Joy is criticised for following the rules, she is mocked for it, and then angrily seems to express contempt for her past self for doing so, when in fact she ought to be praised and comforted for the way she behaved and the hurt her responsible conduct resulted in for her, in the knowledge she was helping to stop a bad situation getting worse.
Resent covid, by all means; resent people, including government officials (all of whom should have had their careers instantly and irretrievably ended by party gate), who flaunted the rules and prolonged the whole affair for the rest of us - resent those things all you want. However, don't go blaming or deriding the tools that had to be used to stop the situation getting worse.
Even in real life, there's very much a sense, I've found, of this. People speak of the rules themselves as something the government "got away with" - sorry, does the plumber "get away with" bringing a plunger to unclog a loo? These were tools, yet increasingly people seem to have an attitude of "never again", and it seems doctor who has now stooped to this sort of brainless whinging. I think it's a damn shame for a show that used to be something of a haven for logic and reason to now be damning science with such gusto. The doctor might have been trying to deliberately provoke Joy here, and in-universe, why not mention something like that? Shame on Moffat, however, who ought to know better than to carelessly give voice to the very real moronic whining and moaning of so many single-minded people in the real world, and who doubtless should have the ability to come up with another, less irresponsible avenue to go down for this.