Apart from Acapulco Gold builds, is this kit useful for anything else?

Being the awesome community this is, It got me hooked up on building as a hobby. I built my first kit and I thought maybe trying breadboarding, changing designs and learning more about electronics, rather than just following a kit.

So i ran into this ad and saw I got most parts that make up an acapulco gold minus the opamps. Is this worth bying for 20$ or do you recommend getting individual parts packs ? If so, any recommendations?

Thanks in advance!

Being the awesome community this is, It got me hooked up on building as a hobby. I built my first kit and I thought maybe trying breadboarding, changing designs and learning more about electronics, rather than just following a kit.

So i ran into this ad and saw I got most parts that make up an acapulco gold minus the opamps. Is this worth bying for 20$ or do you recommend getting individual parts packs ? If so, any recommendations?

Thanks in advance!