Utterly confused about my career and how to move forward. 3.5 YOE. Have no one to ask these questions to. Please help!
So as I said in the title I have 3.5 YOE experience with django in backend development. This is my first company and I got placed here in campus placement.
Now that I’m looking for my first switch I don’t know how to move forward.
I grind leetcode (I am terrible at it), learn system design and then just keep on applying in backend python roles.
I learn a FE framework, will have to start from scratch, don’t even know Hello World in JS, build a couple of projects and then apply to fullstack roles. Do fullstack devs also need to do leetcode?
I learn a new backend language like Go or Rust and then apply to those positions as well. I’ll have to do leetcode here as well I guess.
I’m leaning more towards 2, but if I have to do leetcode there was well then what’s the point, I’ll just grind 1.
What are your thoughts? Anything I’m assuming wrong? Any changes you would suggest?