When to disclose a medical issue that's going to limit some activities for the rest of my life? (IRL and on apps?)

I've been out of the dating market for a few years now, and I'm thinking about getting back in soon. The issue I have is that I broke my pelvis and ended up with a hip replacement. That means there's activities I absolutely can't do the rest of my life, like: run (except in emergencies), jump from high-ish spots, play contact sports, play sports where I have to pivot a lot or could fall (basketball, tennis, etc.) bungee jump, parachute, etc.

Then there's things I might be able to do eventually but will probably avoid, like: skiing, snowboarding, waterskiing/tubing, challenging hikes, rock climbing, biking in anything but the safest environments, water parks, lifting heavy things out of a controlled environment... It's just been impressed upon me that I CANNOT fall. And I can only get so many revision surgeries in my life, but it could last me a lifetime if I'm careful.

It's not like I was a super outdoorsy person beforehand, so it's not like I'm desperately missing too much, but I was in pretty decent shape and would run around and do stuff. I can still go to the gym, and I don't think anyone would know I had a surgery unless I told them.

But, I know this might be disappointing to some people. We're never going to go to Hawaii and go on a ten mile hike. I'm not going to be able to help someone move. I probably won't be up on a ladder putting up the Christmas lights.

I'm worried that in a dating app, this might unfairly screen me out because of the stigma of only old people getting this surgery, and make it seem like I'm bedridden or in a wheelchair or something.

When would you want to know about this?