4 months and still slow replies
We matched in November. We texted on Hinge. Messages every day or two. She went on holiday and asked that she rest instead of messaging, of course I agreed. She came back from her holiday but my work meant I couldn't travel to visit her. We moved to text and continued texting (she was on annual leave so had the time). We met in January. Three dates, all of which I've suggested. She is making an effort by turning up. We aren't obviously matched but there must be enough there for us both to keep meeting. She was ill so suggested a call. She was unwilling because she was ill. She did then agree to another date. Since then the replies are every 2 or 3 days, same day on weekdays. We are 3 hour apart but I travel close to her twice a week, she works long hours on weekdays and has busy weekends. Her replies are short and to the point (they were better when we first matched).
She wants to take things slowly as we only met in person a month ago. But we've been chatting for 4 months. At what point do you need soemone to show more excitmenet? I know some people need time (so do i) but online dating isn't really suited to that.
My question is how long do I keep going with slowly getting to know each other??
Edti: But she seems interested. Im the only guy she sees. She's super busy with work and life and she still sees me when I ask. Its not like she's only texting to pass time. So confusing. Her response when I asked her was that it's only been a month for her (as this is when we met), she was surprised when I mentioned we'd been talking for about 4 months.