Advice for a "Security Engineer" that does no security engineering?

My official titel is "IT Security Engineer" but in practice all my tasks are simple admin and operations activities. I am the SME for Splunk Enterprise Security and backup SME for Microsoft Defender for Endpoint. Mid 5 figure number of endpoints. 3 TB/day data into SIEM. However all my tasks and that of my 2 teammates are purely admin related. The "interesting" work such as creating detections, TI, writing concepts, managing third party pentests etc. is all handled by our Security Analysis Team for whom we are just personal butlers (or so it often feels like). We are actively prevented from touching anything they deem "actual security" related by them.

I feel lied to because on the job interview I was promised I would be allowed to help working on creating detections, but now all I do is application and server management, log onboarding, and enrichment alone but not allowed to touch detections on the platform that I alone build up and maintain from nothing and on data that I all onboarded and made sure it's parsed correctly etc....

What would your recommendation be? A thing to note is that this is my first job that is in any shape it form security related (even if just in ink on paper only). Should I sit this out and be happy with an easy job? I kinda feel too young to already start coasting.