What start do you recommend?

What starting year and person do you recommend to play for someone still new to the game such as myself? I've watched a few tutorials, did the tutorial myself so I sorta know how to play, just not ins and outs.

I am mainly asking this because the "easy" starts are not easy at all. Ive tried Iberia starts, I get destroyed the moment I try to expand. Ive tried the Irish start, all times I get destroyed when trying to expand. Hell the most recent one the Welsh AI just took over all of Ireland before I could get enough claims. I REALLY REALLY want to elevate the Isle of Mann and then start the High Kingdom of the North Sea but every one of those brothers I start as I get fucked. This most recent one I started as the guy who gets Mon at the start. I won Northumbria, surrendered the other war because no way was I gonna win that. I started to move into Ireland and take land there and take land in Wales and was actually winning for once. Until an outbreak spawned in my capital and killed my wives and heirs. All of them. Sorry for frustrate posting but I want to play the game, not get fucked from every single "easy" start.

Also if you got more good tutorial vids, drop em. Would love to watch em. Having a blast so far when I make OP characters. But achievement hunting is ass.