Look guys, I just wanna say something (honest confession)

I noticed some of u guys don't like me very much, about 40%. Look, it's not my fault if ur peen is smol. I've noticed a lot of negative reactions to my friendly banter posts, and I just want to say, you are already going through a lot with ur tiny peen disability, it's a massive handicap and I bet u get a lot of weird situations with the girls laughing at u etc. I try to empathize to ur situation, it must be so horrible to have such a tiny peen. I just wanna say, being angry at me doesn't really hlp ur situation too much, so why be angry? Then u have a smol peen and u angry too, like a little chihuahua who goes "woof woof grrrr". Instead of being angry at me u could look for that big sword The Grandfather for ur buff barb, or u could buy new sneakers, or a new ferrari, or even become a billionaire like Jeff Bezos who also used to have a smol peen just like u. Even if ur dick is extremely smol, if u earn some money, u find a girl who'll like u for ur money, right? So why stress so much?