What are my options after failing out of university and owing a balance?

I made it through community college in the us with a pretty solid GPA and grades. Band scholarship and FAFSA paved my way as I had been a first gen college student that was financially supporting myself since 16. I went on to University and struggled horribly. They denied my application for an academic freeze/pause due to financial stress. Working two jobs, paying bills, dealing with gallbladder pain + surgery and trying to stay on top of academics was a nightmare and I genuinely don't know how people do it.

I had FAFSA to help cover the majority of the costs. However, I was still paying about $600 per month out of pocket to continue attending. Eventually, it caught up to me and I could no longer pay it. I explained my situation to the business office, dean, and financial aid office. Pled my case and was denied. In turn, all of my classes failed as I unenrolled at the end of the semester versus leaving before the mid point. My GPA plummeted, my transcripts were frozen, and I racked up a 4k bill.

Is there anyway I can just take my community college transcripts and move on to another uni when I'm stable? They will not unfreeze my transcripts until I pay that 4k and for me, that's four months of rent that I can't afford to give up right now. Any advice is genuinely appreciated!