Accidentally cut someone off

This happened 2 days ago and I still feel crappy. This man was doing a purple traverse that took up an entire wall, and was already accidentally cut off by another man. He told him “no worries I was in a comfortable spot” and they joked.

Well, I went to do a climb FAR right from his route, and 1000% did not see him start his climb (his route starts very far from where I was sitting). There was lots of banter; cheering me on, him in his route staring at me. I came down from a big fall, not knowing what I just did.

He walked up to me and yelled (not verbatim) “you need to check the wall because I was up there for 30 minutes!!!” to which I said I’m so sorry I didn’t see you… And he says “did you at least get it?!”

I stuttered bc I was caught off guard :/ I said no, I fell… He says “wow you didn’t even get it?”

And the rest of the day I felt horrible. The worst. There was a lot of witnesses. Everyone just left that wall bc there was tension and awkwardness. Has this happened to anyone else? I already have bad climbing anxiety, so this really bummed me out.