The twilight heroic dungeons are genuinely some of the worst content Blizzard has ever made.
Anyone who has been playing them knows what I am talking about. I do not know a single person who is not having a horrible time with them. My nearly-full-bis group is wiping left and right, and when we win, it often just feels like we got lucky. Some bosses are downright impossible unless you get very lucky.
Even besides the fact that the inherent concept is horrible, they are also bugged to all hell in a million different ways, are not tuned to the bosses existing abilities, and are extremely difficult even when they do work properly. Now, the last part they can just nerf, sure, but the rest? I just don't see it happening, judging by how slow they have been to fix past bugs.
I get that Cata doesn't have a lot of people working on it. We don't expect a lot. Its fine, we know Cata isn't very big and so they don't put as many resources into it. We accept that. But... why make something like this, knowing how incredibly difficult it would be to do correctly with the tiny amount of resources you have? The complexity of these makes the wotlk affixes look simplistic and easy in comparison. What is the logic of implementing such incredibly complex and difficult mechanics, knowing that you are not capable of tuning them properly? The decision making here just baffles me. This is almost comically bad.
We were all super excited for these. To say they dropped the ball is an underestimate. They dropped the ball and it fell through multiple floors and smashed into the boiler and blew up the building (idk if thats how boilers work)
Edit: someone mentioned they nerfed the slimes to go from 1.1m to 500k. The slimes I am getting are 850k. Is it possible I am, for some unknown reason, getting an unnerfed version of these? I have ran with multiple people from my guild, a guild which has gotten H rag down like 15 times now. This just isn't making sense to me.