Retrieving host information error.

So me and my friends just got the free civ 6 game on epic games and we all seem to have the same issue. 3/3 people keep getting the "retrieving host information" screen for like 2 minutes then it just gives us an error. It doesn't matter which one of us hosts it.

We do this we press create game then we go into the thingy and open up 2 spots. We then invite eachother using the code and no matter what we do or even if we try to join other OPEN lobbies it gives EVERYONE the same error message. I've tried looking on this subreddit for answers but it's legit either "restart the game" or "try reinstalling it" nothing is wrong with the clients themselves me and another friend have stable internet connections that are high speed and there are no issues with ANY other game. I legit cannot find a single helpful comment and we legitematly cannot join anything or play with eachother.