Exam day less than a month out

Long time lurker, first time poster here. Really appreciate the time each and every one of you takes to post about your study methodology and test experience. 

In February, I was laid off from one of the large tech companies. My company paid for all the study materials and the exam fee last year. I had good intentions to sit for the exam but life got busy and I put it aside. Since I now suddenly have a lot of free time, I decided to pick up studying again and go for it. I just need to take the exam by mid-May since my QAE access and exam registration expires then. Ultimately, I have a month to study. 

I’ve spent 8 years in security training and awareness. No technical background whatsoever. I have a bachelor’s degree in marketing, a bachelor’s in finance, and an MBA. Two years ago, I studied for over a year and sat for the CISSP. But I didn’t get it. I made it to 150 questions and didn’t pass. I was gutted and honestly, a little traumatized. That exam was brutal. After licking my wounds for a while, I decided CISM might be a better way to go for me.

Before I resumed studying, I took Practice Exam 1 and scored 65% (seems at least some of my prior CISM and CISSP studying stuck in my brain). I’m about 63% through the QAE structured study plan now with a 73% average score. I plan to switch to the adaptive plan and work my way through it again. I’ve been learning a ton by answering questions and reading the explanation. I also have Mike Chapelle’s Study Guide but find it very dry to read. Also using PocketPrep here and there (I had the Premium but it lapsed. May upgrade again to supplement). 

For those who’ve sat for the exam, did you see a lot of technical questions? Do you think the QAE covered most if not all of the material on the exam? 

Any advice to give a prior CISSP-traumatized test taker?