Man, the Scandinavian defense is so fun.
Not even talking about the merits of the defense or anything as far as efficiency goes. It's just fun. I love being able to say "Nah, we're not playing your game" as black. Honestly, I used to dread playing black because I'd go "Ugh...okay...I know the Caro Cann lines but dear god the games that come out of it aren't fun even though I'm winning them."
Scandinavian lines feel so fun because they're so wacky. "Yes, I'm moving my queen as my second move. No, somehow this is optimal, I promise you. Also yes that bishop is supposed to be there."
Plus occasionally we end up transposing into the Caro (sometimes a much better version of the Caro because of the tempo advantage) anyway, so it feels like the time I spent studying still paid off (plus I'm a weirdo who just finds studying chess lines fun).
Do you guys have openings you play just because they make the game fun for you?