Opinion on eggs
Hi everyone, I've started strict carnivore because of my autoimmune disease (ulcerative colitis). Im currently in a pretty bad flare, and my UC is severe. I've been eating only eggs, beef, salt, water for the past 4 days. Yesterday I ate like 9 eggs and in the morning I had horrible diarrhea with lots of pain, blood and bloating in stomach. For 3 days I didn't notice much bloating (even less bloating and gasses then when I was eating veggies and fruit) and today is much different story. I can't even stand straight up from the pain, discomfort and bloating. Could the eggs be the problem? I usually eat 4,5 and i never thought they could cause this much discomfort but since i dont eat anything other then meat and eggs i can only assume it's the eggs... Anyone with similar experience?