How unobtainum is New Zealand MTP?

I have a knack for challenging camos and last year, I dug through the internet just to get my hands on a full set of Australian Multicam UBACS and combat pants. It costed me my 13th month pay at the end of 2023 but I'd say it is still is the best purchase I made. That was a fun virtual treasure hunt, not gonna lie. I received it last January 2024. I can't believe it's been over a year.

Now I want to do NZ infantry military cosplay (milcos) and I'm thinking of getting NZ MTP. Unfortunately, Army Outdoors and Surplus NZ told me they don't have it on their catalogue as of now. They did however say that if I wanted to do NZ infantry, I could opt for NZ DPM (2000s) or NZ Multicam (late 2000s-2019) load out. I'm currently in the process of having a foam prop MARS-L New Zealand rifle being made. Others have said that MZ MTP is not allowed to be sold as surplus but part of me really wants to dig through the internet forums because by stroke of luck, I could hit gold.

So going back to the question, is this camo really unobtainable? I still want British MTP too but owning NZ MTP would be like the cream of the cake for my collection next to AMCU.