Anyone else feel more back activation on chin ups?
Pull-ups and chin ups are both my favorite exercise of all time, can’t live without them. I’ve heard everyone online say that pull-ups are better for your upper back and lats, and chin ups are better for your biceps, but personally I’ve always felt chin ups better in my lats. I watched a video from Alex Leonidas where he had said that due to there being a better lat stretch on chin-ups that it could be equivalent or better for lat growth, but a lot of people in the comments said that was incorrect and cited studies (which I didn’t read ofc), but I feel like I agree with him. Since I’ve thought about this I’ve kinda thought about replacing pull-ups in my routine for chin ups, since I’m already stronger at chin ups as most people are (I could get 6 clean pullups and about 8 clean chin ups). Anyone else feel this way?