What is your favorite Bankai in the series?

Note that I'm not asking "who is the strongest?" or "who had the most wins in the series?"

I mean on a symbolism and creative design level, who's Bankai do you think is the coolest conceptually and why?

For me, I love Senbonzakura. There's just something so soft and beautiful looking about it, but then it's kind of savage in how it slices the hell out of you moments later. That moment it goes from petals falling to a wave of blade shards violently flying at you is hard-core and badass. And I like the symbolism of the cherry blossoms and how they symbolize life and death, which is fitting when you learn Byakuya's backstory with his wife and parents.

Side note: I remember way back in high school all of the guys I knew would make fun of Byakuya for having a "gay" Bankai because it was pink and looked like flowers, and I can't help but imagine an opponent making fun of him only to get sliced the fuck up moments later xD