Holy cow i can't bear random teammates anymore

Each game i play i get minimum 1 of the randoms that in general does the opposite of the team. It's amazing, even when trying to communicate via chat. I mean, ppl want to level their guns, get crits or do the event, that's fine. But even after reviving them, let them pewpew while me and another one doing the EE till the Orb part, and even after telling them and asking them (not expecting them to know that the stack has to stay together) to pleease for a minute stick with us. They won't. I don't get it. And the design of the mission is in that case flawed.

(Worst experience: me and 2 randoms agreed to do the EE, we did, the 1 other stood there with his AMR, shot 2 zombies, dieded. We helped him (thinking maybe he might be a little stupido or something). We all asked him to stay with us, to help us and all that. We did all steps while he kept respawning and dying, shot 2 bullets, ran in a circle, died just to stay AFK. We asked him to leave. He replied he wont. And why he should? He respawned and died as long as we did bring his xp. Sorry had to share my frustration about some small parts of the human population.)

Each game i play i get minimum 1 of the randoms that in general does the opposite of the team. It's amazing, even when trying to communicate via chat. I mean, ppl want to level their guns, get crits or do the event, that's fine. But even after reviving them, let them pewpew while me and another one doing the EE till the Orb part, and even after telling them and asking them (not expecting them to know that the stack has to stay together) to pleease for a minute stick with us. They won't. I don't get it. And the design of the mission is in that case flawed.

(Worst experience: me and 2 randoms agreed to do the EE, we did, the 1 other stood there with his AMR, shot 2 zombies, dieded. We helped him (thinking maybe he might be a little stupido or something). We all asked him to stay with us, to help us and all that. We did all steps while he kept respawning and dying, shot 2 bullets, ran in a circle, died just to stay AFK. We asked him to leave. He replied he wont. And why he should? He respawned and died as long as we did bring his xp. Sorry had to share my frustration about some small parts of the human population.)