They're about to come after MLK

If you're not already aware, they're declassifying the MLK assassination files. These files will likely contain detailed reports of MLKs personal life which may or may not include some extramarital affairs, drinking, smoking, the list goes on. Essentially things that you did not read in the history books.

They (white people, mostly Trump loyalist politicians) are going to try to "cancel" MLK by getting rid of MLK day, removing him from history books, taking down his monument and shortly after states will try to rename streets named after him. They're going to liken him to some of the worst (but previously celebrated) people in American history. This will be payback for the removal of Confederate statues and monuments.

I hope that I'm just being paranoid but I thought I was just being paranoid last year and now look where we are.

Stay mindful and don't allow yourself to be swayed by what may come out, a lot of it will not be new information, just confirmation. Nothing takes away from the man's accomplishments, his sacrifices and the work he's done for us as Black Americans.

It's been on my mind, just thought I'd put it out there.