Milaa, young refugees and housing

EDIT: Thanks everyone except for the few predictable nasty midwits. The consensus is to call the cops, both for our sake and the boys. We must learn/teach consequences. Thanks again, no need for any more comments. It's been a slice!! I won't look at this again, so if you write anything, it's strictly for your own edification, not mine. But if you can't resist, do knock yourself out!!

I live in a small apartment building north of Mitte and over the last year a social service organisation called Milaa has rented five of the ten apartments in the house and housed about 15 teenaged boy refugees.

They are nice boys, but, like any teenagers, they don't sleep much at night, always invite friends over late at night, many often staying the whole night, some getting drunk and they make a lot of noise both in the stairwell and in their rooms. Milaa has told them not to have guests at night, but they don't listen. We've talked to them politely. Still they have loud guests every night of the week.

We feel for them, they're teens living together, of course they want to have fun. We feel that Milaa is the one at fault here: 15 teens in 5 rooms living on the top 3 floors of an small apartment building, what could go wrong....

Milaa has told the rest of the tenants to call the police if the boys are noisy after quiet hours, which the rest of us would really rather not do as it will only increase an already tense environment. And it feels shitty to do to the teens. They're just teens being teens. Teens stay up late, it's the way they're built.

Those of us in the other 5 apartments are collectively writing a letter to send Milaa to ask them to somehow ensure that the late night guests and noise stops. We're thinking of also sending it to the Ordungsamt.

My questions:

  1. who else should we send it to? Local politicians? Anyone else?
  2. Is this a bad/good idea?
  3. Any other ideas?