Help me understand protests

TLDR: I want to do something, but doubtful about the efficacies of peaceful protests.

I get the drive to do something. I'm currently reading through "They Thought They Were Free", and a key takeaway is that the Nazis got to do whatever they wanted because most people didn't do anything about it.

But if I was a guy in power, I'd prefer people discharge all their energy on a street corner for a few hours in a peaceful protest. Like that RATM line, "raise your fist and march around, just don't take what you need."

Is the solution more forceful disruptive protests? We had some hardcore shit at the beginning of this decade, and violent death by cop is still as high as ever. I remember some amazing stuff in Hong Kong and I don't think anything changed.

Am I just being cynical?

We can shout, but most of the country wanted this, and the powerful got what they want. I can vote, we can pass laws, and it doesn't matter because they'll just ignore any laws, remove bureaucrats and sidestep elected officials.

So sell me on why I should show up to a protest and stand in a crowd, other than a way to feel like I did something while my nation burns.