Ethical Listening

Hello Everyone 👋

So, I have no idea how often this gets asked, but in regards to listening to audiobooks, what, in your opinion, is a good alternative to Audible which allows users to download books so they can listen to the books offline?

I only ask because I don't really like Amazon and Mr. Bezos too much and while I know I can't get rid of them completely from my life, I'd like to downsize their hold over me, at least in terms of my subscription to Audible. I hope to hear from you all. Thanks for your time.

EDIT: Woah. That's a lot of replies. Thanks a lot for all of your replies. I'm heading down to the library later today to get myself a library card and get access to their audiobooks. I don't quite care about owning audiobooks since I only listen to them during work or when I'm doing tasks. Thanks again for all your help. I did not expect so many of you to reply.