The City is too expensive for me help
Hi guys, So I’m about to start University next month. I’ll be going to Auckland University, and I live in Manukau which is pretty far away. I used to travel to the city on train and bus to get to my High School, and it required me to get up extra early, make sure the trains and buses weren’t delayed and have enough money in my HopCard. Now that I’m about it to start University, I don’t know if I can continue to do that, let alone afford it. I could own a car, and drive there but I know how expensive that would be for Gas and Parking. I just don’t have that kind of money. Plus, I’m going to be studying an academically hard course and I’d really like to be close to the University for that. I’ve been searching for an affordable place in the city, like a flat which is close to University- but right now I’ve got nowhere. The prices are too high compared to the place you’d be living in. Is anyone else having this problem right now? How can I find a place in the city which is affordable?