Best time of year to ride around the alps?

I’m planning a motorcycle trip to the Alps and could use some advice. My original plan was to go in the first two weeks of June, but I’ve heard that many of the high mountain passes don’t open until mid-May. Given that last summer in the UK started really late, I’m wondering if that might be the case in the Alps this year too—meaning some roads could still be closed due to snow and ice.

I could push my trip to the first two weeks of July instead but no later, thing is I’m a bit concerned that by then, the roads will be much busier with tourists and cyclists.

Does anyone know the area or have experience riding the Alps in recent years? When did the major passes (like Stelvio, Furka, Grossglockner, etc.) open in the past few summers? Any insight into whether this year’s conditions might delay the openings?

Thanks in advance.