How do you handle rude teenagers??

I work in a small mall My coworker (about 60) got harassed yesterday These teenagers (4 girls and 1 boy) were stomping on our items in the store and it was all caught on camera and she confronted them They lied and said they didn’t, and starting accusing her of being racist because they were black

The kept walking past and yelling at her untill she shut the gate of the store and they told her to come out and fight and stuff

I’m not good at confrontation i don’t know how to hand it much, I’m just going to call security but still just very stress inducing They security don’t do tons and they take forever, I just don’t want these kids to start saying stuff and recording I am a pu33y, trying to work on it, I’m still 20 and trying to not put up with being walked over?, but like my boss said we can’t do much at all to begin with

Anyways are there other things I can do?? What if they say things? (Our cams don’t record they just watch and you can make them say things)

I’ve always been bad with teenagers I never know what to do or what to say to get them to back off or leave, it’s so annoying and my anxiety just gets so bad and I hate, these teens think they’re better then everyone and love the drama and I just can’t do it

I’m sorry if this is irrelevant here, I don’t know who to talk to, or get advice from